What does Elation EHR software do? Elation's EHR is suited for small to midsized independent primary care practices. Depending on the specialty, it can be useful for pediatric, family medicine, and geriatric providers. Though specialty providers care for patients longitudinally and share many similarities with primary care providers, Elation may present additional challenges. For example, specialty providers may require more customized options, templates, and workflows.

Clinically focused

Elation EMR software enables a physician to focus on the patient, allowing for an efficient workflow in the office and increased clientele. Its robust features include financial and administrative workflows, as well as tools to manage patient information. Elation software allows physicians to create electronic intake forms, reducing documentation burdens and in-office wait times. Elation is also capable of providing robust telemedicine services and audiovisual interactions with patients.


With the new Elation Health EHR software, you can finally focus on the best part of practicing medicine: caring for patients. With the Elation Clinical EHR, physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and others can access patient medical records, and the HIPAA-compliant system protects patient information. The HIPAA-compliant EHR software will also help you maintain your professional image, and will give you peace of mind.


Elation EMR is a versatile, user-friendly solution for a variety of medical practices, including independent and publicly held medical practices. Its comprehensive features streamline the physician-patient relationship by keeping the patient's medical history up to date. Additionally, the software's built-in library of templates makes it easy to learn and use. Many users are happy with Elation EMR because of its user-friendly design and ease of use.

Reduces manual work

Elation Health EHR software is a cloud-based solution that helps practices reduce staffing levels while ensuring that providers are paid in full for the services they provide. This software helps practices reduce manual work and boost revenue. Read on to learn more about Elation's capabilities and how it can help your practice. Here are just a few reasons why. All EHRs can reduce manual work. Read on to learn how Elation EHR software works and why you should consider it for your practice.

Supports telehealth

Elation EHR software provides integrated administrative and financial workflows and tools to manage patient information. It lets practices create electronic intake forms and reduce paperwork and in-office waiting times. Patients can also book an appointment online or through a patient portal. All this is done securely. Elation customer support is available around the clock. The company even offers training and support for its software. The Elation platform is compatible with a wide range of mobile devices and offers comprehensive telehealth support.

Reduces risk of under-coding

Under-coding is an issue in healthcare billing that occurs when codes do not accurately reflect the work performed. In many cases, this is a result of oversight, but some practices purposefully undercode to avoid audits. Under-coding reduces reimbursement rates by substantially reducing revenue and causes claims data to be skewed. It also creates an appearance of fraud in the eyes of payers. But how can you reduce the risk of under-coding? By learning the best practices for capturing services and avoiding common errors.

Improves revenue

Among the many new products hitting the EHR market, Elation is making waves. The company, which operates across 28 health centers, has implemented its software in less than five weeks for each clinic. The company places a high priority on facilitating patient-provider relationships by using technology to eliminate barriers and friction. It also provides support for PCPs at scale. In fact, it currently has more than 300 technology and healthcare organization collaborators and is the operating technology for several primary care innovators.

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